Celebrate the dignity of every human life

“Every analysis must necessarily start from the premise that—although each person lives in a particular concrete social and historical context—every human being is endowed with a dignity that must never be lessened, impaired or destroyed but must instead be respected and safeguarded, if peace is really to be built up.” (Address to the General Assembly of the United Nations Oct. 2, 1979) – Pope John Paul II

There is dignity in every human person. This fact is something I strive to live out every day. It is what motivates me to work for those who may be seen as less than in the eyes of the world. Every single person has a unique heart that is made to serve and love others in a unique way.

At the PRC I am fortunate enough to work with people who have taught me so much about how to live from a servant’s heart. Those who volunteer their time and talents at the PRC are all motivated by a desire to uphold the dignity of each person that they encounter and see them as worthy of love. It is a great blessing to take part in this work.

This ministry is incredibly important for the setting we are in. So many people have lost sight of their own worthiness and the PRC is a place where they can come and be reminded of who they are meant to be. Many people are fearful when faced with uncertainty which is why having a place that offers unconditional support is so important. The work at the PRC is so important because it truly offers a place of refuge for those that may be told by the world that they have to make a decision from a lack of security.

I volunteer my time at the PRC because I believe this is an important and necessary mission. Not only is there work to be done to uphold the dignity of the unborn, but the dignity of every human person. The PRC doesn’t stop with helping women feel empowered to choose life, it continues supporting the women and those around them every step of the way. I think that is what makes this center so impactful. The way the person comes into the doors of the center and is looked at with love and respect and desiring to see all that the person is, not just look at their current circumstance.

As I spend time at the PRC I continue to learn more about the importance of reminding people of their inherent human dignity and the sacredness of all life. This is an important work and one that we are all called to take part in. I am grateful for the opportunity to take part in the ministry at the PRC and to learn and grow with fellow volunteers and staff.

Amanda Dick, President of the PRC on Campus group at Ohio University

2 thoughts on “Celebrate the dignity of every human life”

  1. This is a wonderful tribute to the PRC Thank You for the time you spend Helping out at the Center. Someone your age will have a greater impact on others your age than a lot of the Volunteer at the Center that are older than the Clients that come through the doors for help & Support.
    Thank You,
    Trudy Montle older volunteer at PRC.

  2. Such a relevant reflection and important reminder! It is crucial to see the dignity not only of the unborn life we strive to affirm, but all life that walks through our doors.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart, Amanda. We appreciate your work at the PRC!

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